Funny Birthday Wishes for Son Who Is Turning 25

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Happy 25th Birthday Son
Happy 25th Birthday Son

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Happy 25th Birthday Son Wishes

  • Happy 25th Birthday Son! I wish you the best of luck in your career and life. I'll always be proud of you, and will always love you.
  • Happy 25th birthday son! In this world of confusion and uncertainty, you always inspire me with your positive attitude. You have a very unique worldview, which I admire. To say that I am proud of you is an understatement. Keep making us proud!
  • Happy 25th Birthday Son! It is a privilege for me to celebrate your birthday with you without any worries about college, projects, and exams! You are no more that little boy who cried for his mother in the night. You have grown up so fast and have long been an eligible man. My wish for you is that you will never lose your respect for your parents as you grow older. May God bless and protect you always!
  • Happy 25th bday, son!I'm praying that God will make you happy and fulfill your every desire on this silver jubilee of your age.
  • Happy 25th birthday big boy! You are all grown up and I just can't believe how fast time flies. I remember you as a smiley baby, then the playful kid, and now your about to become a wonderful man. God bless you child, and may you live till you're 110 years old!
  • Happy 25th birthday messages. On your special day, I send to you my best wishes for you and the future, with all my love.
  • Happy 25th birthday son, a lot of good things await you as you enjoy each second of this beautiful day and year. Remember, you are the reason for the gathering, we are glad to be here.
  • Happy 25th birthday son! I can't believe how big you've grown! It was only yesterday I held you in my hands for the first time, and now you are sending me a message from who knows where. Still, though, I know that wherever you are, it is because of all the times I stayed up into the early morning hours with you, singing to you my favorite lullabies.
  • Happy 25th birthday son! I know that most parents would be really upset when their 25-year-old son is still single. But I am not. I know that you are a gentleman and that there will be lots of ladies who will fight for your attention, but the woman who does will be very lucky to have you as her husband.
  • Happy 25th birthday son. I wish you all God has for you. Enjoy your silver jubilee, I pray for More of God's infinite love.
  • Happy 25th Birthday Son. You may be considered a man, but to me, you will always be my baby boy. I love you with all my heart and I hope you enjoy your special day today!
  • Happy 25th birthday to my gorgeous son! I'm so glad you were born and brought into this world. It has been a wonderful journey raising you over all these years, watching you grow from a baby to a young adult. All the memories we have shared will be forever cherished. Enjoy this special day, my darling! Love, Dad.
  • Happy 25th birthday to my lovely son! Today is considered a special day for you, but actually every day for the past 25 years has been special. Enjoy this day and smile at life.
  • Happy 25th birthday to my one and only son. I pray that you keep up with your studies and everything else in life. You have reached a new milestone in your life – that of being 25 years old. As a mother, I am proud to be the mother of a fine young man. Keep shining like a star, and I wish you a happy 25th birthday, my dearest son!
  • Happy 25th birthday to my son, thank you for being such a great son and for choosing me as your mother. Happy is the word which describes all that I feel now that you're a quarter of a century old. I know I can never take credit for raising a beautiful and brilliant young man like you. You were born with good sense, God's gift to mankind! And my main task was to let you develop your skills and talents the way you wanted to.
  • Happy 25th birthday to the person who lights up my world. You mean so much to me and I thank God that I get to share this day with you. I wish you health, wealth and a long life.
  • Happy 25th birthday, my son! You are a lovely son and I know you'll also be a wonderful man and a superb father. Thanks for giving me the best 25 years of my life and hope to continue it. Many blessings to you!
  • Happy 25th birthday, my son. I'm so happy that you have grown up to be such a responsible man. I know, I always worried too much about you when you were little, but now I can see that every sacrifice and torment has been worth it. I hope you will never regret the time we spent apart or making all the efforts to provide you with a better education. It's your day now, and I just want to wish you success and happiness in everything you do.
  • Happy 25th Birthday, Son! I wish you many more years to come in complete and perfect health.
  • Happy 25th Birthday, son! May all your dreams and plans come true, and may happiness never leave your side. We love you, dear!
  • A lot has changed since your birth, but I like your beard at 25. Congrats, Son!
  • As much as you are old enough to own a family, you are also old enough to be the next world's youngest billionaire, I know which one you'll certainly choose. Happy 25th Birthday my son.
  • Best wishes to my shining light – my adorable son.
  • Best wishes to the most beautiful and strongest person in the world, who makes my life as a mother truly worth living. I saw you born that you were so small and now you are a wonderful man. I'm proud of you. Best wishes my son for your 25 years.
  • Birthdays are always special for everyone. But today is a bit more special day for you, because you turned 25. Congratulations dear! May happiness propel your steps towards life! Best wishes!
  • Congratulations on the silver jubilee of your life, my son! It's a new phase with many responsibilities. May every day of your life brings new hope for you!
  • Every time I look at you I think of how blessed I am. To have a beautiful and talented son like you. You make me so proud and you never cease to impress me. You are my hero, my best friend, the apple of my eye and I love you more every day. Hoping you have an incredible 25th-year son!
  • From two proud parents To one wonderful son We are wishing you The whole entire world As you celebrate your 25th birthday today And embark on this next Chapter of your life! Happy 25th birthday son.
  • Gone are the days when my heart, my face and my entire body was young, but now it's your time, I can't help but look at how charming you are. Happy 25th birthday my son.
  • Good boy! You're a quarter of the way to a century! Happy "quarter of a century
  • Happy birthday my dear son. In your 25th year on earth, I pray that you achieve every dream you have ever dreamt in this lifetime. May the LORD bless you abundantly and shower his grace upon you and protect you always.
  • Happy birthday to my dear son. Your life has been a bright spark during my very difficult days of struggle. I remember your childhood as the most challenging time of my life but it was also the most beautiful. May God bless you with all the best in your future endeavors. Without a doubt, I expect your life to be more successful than mine and that you make me proud as an old man having a successful son.
  • Happy birthday, son! I still remember when holding you in my arms for the first time. We may have had our share of ups and downs, but I am here to stay. Happy 25th birthday! I love you with all my heart and soul.
  • Happy birthday. Now that you are 25, I have a tip: keep laughing… it will keep you young.
  • Have a super-duper birthday! Wishing you an unforgettably happy day! You don't turn 25 every day, so let the party begin. Happy 25th birthday son!
  • Hi son, it's your favorite dad here, who won't let go until you at least say thank you. And with that out of the way, I want to wish you a very happy 25th birthday. How do I even start writing about how good you are? I guess you know that already. May your life be filled with everything good in the world and may you earn it too. With love, Your dad
  • Hoping you get the whole birthday package: great food, drinks, fun and lots of cake and gifts. Come on, let's start celebrating! Happy 25th birthday son.
  • I know you are a good kid and have many positive things to look forward to. My only request is that you take your life seriously and think before you act. Enjoy it and make the most of it. Blessings dear son, happy 25th birthday!
  • I love you so much and I'm so proud of you. You are a great son, brother, uncle, and friend. Happy birthday my son!
  • I pray that God will richly bless your birthday, and each day all year, with joy and happiness. Happy 25th birthday to you son.
  • Just a few days ago you were 5 years old and running across the yard to hug me. I wish it were still just a few days ago. How the time flies, I can't believe you are 25 already. Happy BDay!
  • Look ahead, the best in life is about to come. Happy birthday for your fabulous 25 years!
  • Many congratulations and many happy returns on your 25th birthday son! I hope that a lot of happiness awaits you in the years to come and that you are presented with the most incredible opportunities!
  • May all your dreams come true and only get better with time! Happy 25th birthday!
  • May your 25th birthday is the beginning of the epoch of success, worth, joy, happiness, and affluence. Happy birthday son.
  • My dear son! I find it hard to believe that you are about to reach the age of 25 years. How furious you were when I bought your first bicycle and how happy you were when I finally allowed your friends to come over to play. You have grown wiser over the year and now I see a young man with his head held high, determined to reach his goal.
  • My loving son, Happy 25th Birthday to you! You have grown up into a wonderful young man in front of our eyes, and we couldn't be more proud of you!
  • My son, in you I see the real essence of a man. You have self-confidence and are very caring towards others. You never let anything defeat you. I am proud of you my son, and happy birthday!
  • My sweet son is turning 25 today. I'm happy that you are living your dreams. You have always been my strength and my gateway to a better future. I know life isn't easy but you have proven that when you try and work hard to reach your goals, nothing can stop you from getting there.
  • No, but I say you are 25, how could this happen? I just closed my eyes for a second!
  • Not all sons are created equal and that couldn't be closer to the truth with you! You truly are one of a kind! Wishing you a remarkable 25th birthday today! Happy 25th birthday son.
  • Nothing but my heartfelt wishes go for you on this special day! Happy 25th Birthday, son!
  • October is the month you were born in. Well, this is your 25th birthday today. I am getting old but you are getting younger day by day. Take care of yourself and become a responsible person so that I can proudly say – I have a wonderful son. Love you!
  • On your 25th birthday, I wish you all the love, joy, and happiness you deserve. Life is hard so finding someone to share it with is even more important. You are such a strong and hard-working man I couldn't be any prouder, you have so much potential in life and it's only beginning! I look forward to watching you grow and succeed. Always know that I love you with all my heart!
  • Once there is a young boy who rules on my heart and calls me 'mom'. Have a fabulous 25th birthday my dear son. May all your silver dreams come true.
  • Son is turning you 24 today. I can't believe how time has flown by. Just yesterday, we welcomed into this world and now, you are already a grown-up man. You have grown wiser over the years! I am so proud of you that even the stars need to bow down before you. Friends say that it is because of the genes; I think it's because you are a special soul who keeps elevating with each passing day.
  • Son of mine. I may not have been there for you every day, but you are now the man of the house, I will never be able to be more proud. Remember anytime that you are down or sad, it's okay to lean on someone else every once and a while. You have your whole life ahead of you and it's only going to get better. Never forget that no matter what I will always be here for you, always love and support you.
  • Son, A birthday as momentous as your 25th deserves an amazing celebration. Have a blast on your special day! Celebrate this unique day in a grand way and make it an unforgettable one.
  • Son, as you blow out those candles this year, know that I am smoking the biggest peace pipe ever due to the wisdom and maturity you have gained. I remember when you were just a boy, blowing out the candles for your fifth birthday. Just like then, your father's heart is lighted with so much joy today for the man you have become. Happy 25th birthday to my son!
  • Son, for a long time you have been the best thing in my life. You have made me proud and I am glad that I brought you into the world. You are quite an amazing individual. Keep up the good work and keep growing!
  • Son, you can win over the world if you want to, so believe in yourself! Happy Birthday!
  • Thanks, dad for everything that you've done for me. Hoping to be like you one day. Happy 25th birthday to my favorite dad!
  • The past year has gone by so fast and felt like a lifetime to me. You are no longer an adolescent but have become a man today. My son, you have your mother's heart (which is big) and your father's mind (which is even bigger). I wish you know how proud of you I am. There is nothing I want in this world more than your success and happiness. This birthday card is a sign of my gratitude towards you.
  • There are so many possibilities out there. Explore them all and enjoy life.
  • Today is the best day ever! My son, a wonderful young man, has become 25 today. The first gift he gave me today was a hug. He also said that I would never have to leave since he loves me so much. Happy Birthday, son!
  • Today you are 25 and the time has gone by so fast! You are such a wonderful man full of talent, love, and loyalty. You are my son, and I think you're amazing. I look forward to the rest of your life and watching you shine! Love, Mom.
  • Today, you turn 25 and I believe it's more than a birthday. It's a milestone in your life. If I calculate it correctly your first steps were taken when I was nine months pregnant with you. I remember that day as if it was yesterday; I can see the strong legs and sturdy arms trying to balance on those tiny feet of yours. Those first words which came out of your cute mouth were "I want milk". Up to now, my heart melts whenever I am reminded of this fact.
  • When I first saw you, here you were all thin and weak, and awkwardly trying to move around. Then I saw how things have changed much since then. You have grown up to become a great man. Your hard work has paid off. Here's wishing that you continue to grow taller and wiser through life! Happy 25 birthday son!
  • You are brighter than stars, cool like breeze, precious like a diamond, and sweeter than sweets. Wishing you the best wishes. Happy 25th birthday son.
  • You have brought tremendous joy and warmth to our life over the years. I learned so much about life, myself and parenting from you. Happy birthday, my child.
  • Your birthday is like a celebration, like Christmas and Halloween all come together in one. Everyone loves you and of course, they do because you are such a sweetheart. I am so proud of the man you have become and I love you more than words can say. Happy Birthday!

Happy 25th Birthday Quotes For Son

  • As you celebrate your 25th birthday, I want to remind you that your father's love for you is unconditional. I love sharing your special moments with a special person in my life. Nothing would make me happier than seeing you happy and successful in life. Happy birthday, son!
  • Being away from you for a long time has made me realize how much I love and care for you. Happy 25th birthday son, you are my pride and joy. May all your dreams come true!
  • Being your mom has been the very best job in the world! I just want you to know how much joy and happiness you have brought into my life. Son, you are not just a child but an inspiration; you've always kept me going. You give me the courage to face all challenges. So, whatever be your dreams, I will always support you. Your 25th birthday is the beginning of many more challenges as well as achievements for you to achieve, and together we will make it happen.
  • Birthday is the day we all live, but only a few lucky ones get to celebrate happily! You are one of them, son. I know you will make me proud; it will happen if you put your heart into it. I feel confident enough to say that after seeing how much you have grown over the years. Never forget that mom and dad will help you in any way we can. Happy birthday and may there be many more ahead!
  • Dear son, we have shared some fantastical moments. I hope you know how lucky I am to have made such an amazing person in my life. This day is not only for you but it is for me too as I am celebrating the fact that I have been able to share every moment with my child, who has grown into a man. Happy birthday!
  • Happy 25th Birthday Son, I remember you at the age of 25. It was a complicated time for me and your dad. What I remember most clearly is that you were responsible to stand by us when we needed it the most.
  • Happy 25th birthday son, my wishes always come true. Your father and I have taught you everything that you know today. We hope to see you and your friends working together for a better future. We could not be happier as you turn fifty – may the best of years be yet to come.
  • Happy Birthday, my son! Remember to remember that life is about love, peace, and positivity. Be the lightness of being in this world. Live your life but do it with an open heart and a mind that embraces what is good. I wish you all the best, my dear son.
  • Happy Birthday, Son! I can't believe you are 25 years old today. You were the light and inspiration to my life after I lost your father. I have always given you all the space that you wanted so that you could grow up to be a responsible man. This is just the start of your new and exciting life. Wishing you an amazing birthday!
  • Happy birthday, son! I hope you enjoy every day of your life and make the most out of it. You are a great person, my friend and my son, all in one. You have brought light to several dark places and made the world a happier place to live in. My wish for you is that life brings you more joy than sorrow and that you remain happy forever!
  • Happy birthday, son! You always looked up to me and as your father, I tried to make you a man. Life has been fair to you because you are responsible and mature for your age. You are a man of ambition, with a heart without malice. May Allah bless you with peace, love & joy on this special day & keep you forever close to Him. Love, Dad
  • Happy birthday! I am glad that you are my son. You are a cool guy! I never had to raise my voice on you, because you always your age. You are a true gem and will go far in life. Also, I expect you'll turn out to be the best man ever!
  • Hey, son! I am proud of the young man you have become. You always stood by me and helped me out whenever I needed it. You have also achieved a lot of things in the past twelve months, so I am really glad about your achievements. My only wish is that you achieve more success in the future years to come – I can't wait to see what you become when you turn 30.
  • How did my son grow so quickly? This day has come by so fast, and I do not want it to end. Every memory of you is so special and memorable. You've put a smile on my face every day since the day you were born. You are my dream come true and there isn't another person in this world I would rather be a mom of than you. On your 25th birthday, let me brag about all the ways you have made my life awesome.
  • I am so proud of you! I wish that you know how much we love and admire you. You are a mature young man now with a wife of your own. May life be good to you always, and may all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday, Son!
  • I am so proud to say you are my son. And you know why? You are great at everything you do – be it academics or sports or arts. I am very impressed by the way you excel in everything without giving it much effort. May all your dreams and wishes come true. Wishing you a Happy 25th Birthday Son! Wish I could be there to celebrate this beautiful day with you. But wherever I am, my heart is with you wishing for your success and happiness.
  • I don't remember the time we spent apart. Your birth made me a real dad. I'm happy to have you in my life, so happy and worth every sacrifice! I'm grateful for being part of your childhood days, and I know you will get so many great opportunities out of this world! Enjoy your special day son!
  • I have been watching you grow since the very first day you were born. You were a bundle of joy that gave me hope and happiness. Every birthday has become another milestone in your life, and I believe, this year would be no different. Since your mother left us, you have made it a point to keep me laughing and smiling despite all odds. You have grown into a man I am proud to call my son! Happy birthday, Son!
  • I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday for your 25thbirthday. I hope that you enjoy the love of your family and friends and a fantastic day today! I know that you're going to have a wonderful birthday, so thank you for sharing your life with me and bringing joy to mine each day. You are such an amazing young man, have a great birthday party!
  • In your 25th year of life, I wish you fun, laughter, and blessings. May you know the kind of happiness that comes from making others happy. May you have a wonderful birthday.…
  • My darling son, it is the day of your 25th birthday now. I am getting old for sure, but even at this age I would still climb a mountain or swim a river to do one thing that I have never done before; that is to wish you a heartwarming and happiest birthday ever!
  • My dear son, today is the day you were born. I remember that I prayed hard to God for a good son. He has blessed me with lots of happiness, as he bestowed upon me with you. You are a wonderful child and the apple of my eye. Son, happy birthday!
  • On your 25th birthday, I wish you all the happiness and success in the world. There are times I told myself I wish my father was around, to see how much achievement you have made of your life. I am proud of you, my son. All the best. Happy birthday!
  • Proud of you son!! Talking to you on the phone, and hearing your voice made me smile and feel great. Your mom told me that you have a crush on that girl I always see you with… about time for you to man up! Lol! I love you despite all your crazy antics, and even though I know it, I'll never tell you! Happy birthday my son!
  • Son, I am so proud of the man you have become. You have grown up to be very responsible and respectful. You may look like a big boy, but inside you are still my baby. I will always love you more than anyone else in this world and all that you do will make me feel blessed. Happy birthday, son!
  • Son, I thank the Lord for bringing you into this world. You are every parent's dream child. As your mother, I am so proud of everything you have achieved in life. I wish your future would be as bright as your past. Happy birthday!
  • Son, you have been with me ever since you came into this world. I have prayed for the best of everything to happen in your life. Today, as you turn twenty-five years old, I wish you happiness and peace. May the happiness and joy live within your heart forever! Birthday wishes to your son!
  • Son, you have passed the stage of being a kid; you are now grown up. I cannot express how proud I am to have you as my son and the only heir of our family legacy. Let me take this opportunity to wish you a very happy 25 birthday.
  • Today is a special day for you, but it is also a special day for me, the day when I have given birth to my beloved son. To think that he is going to start a new decade in his life, makes me feel so happy and proud. Happy 25th birthday son!
  • Today is your day son and no one can take it from you. I hope you spend it in a relaxing way with your loved ones. I pray to God to allow me to see as many happy birthdays of yours as possible. I love you and I wish you the best today and always!
  • Today, as you celebrate your 25th birthday, all I want to say is that you made me proud. I have been through the toughest of times with you. You made me understand that the most important purpose of life is to be happy and that nothing can stop a man from achieving that happiness. It's been a roller coaster ride but I'm glad that I'm on your side throughout.
  • Your husband and I were so glad to welcome you and your sister into our arms. Every birthday celebration is a cherished memory for us because we see you grow into a responsible human being. In your 25 years, I wish you true love and joy in all of your endeavors. Thank you for brightening up our lives!
  • You are a star. While you were growing up I could see your potential. You have succeeded beyond my expectations. May your good fortune shines on and never fades away. Happy 25th birthday my Son.

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