Jkll Radium Come Again

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Pentecost 2021

Veni, Sancte Spiritus, / Et emitte coelitus / Lucis tuae radium. Come up, O Holy Spirit, come; / And from thy celestial home / Shed a ray of light divine (Sequence of the Mass of Pentecost).

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
My very Love Sons,

In our time of no small social upheaval and spiritual defoliation, the gift of the Holy Spirit, God'south special gift to us, is all the more precious. Saint Charles Borromeo tells u.s.a. how to prepare our souls for this incomparable gift. Permit us listen to him attentively:

Since great kings and princes planning a stay in someone'due south business firm are accustomed to send ahead servants who furnish it with tapestries and draperies, in a similar style, my children, humbly beseech the Son of God today, that he may send His Holy Spirit into you. That he who is set to do this, may do information technology more willingly, dedicate yourselves to him this day as altars, offering yourselves as tabernacles when he is placed in your mouth. No palace delights him as much as your hearts. Christ the Lord volition come to you, surrounded by thousands of cohorts of angels, to feed y'all and nourish you with his flesh. (Charles Borromeo: Selected Orations, Homilies and Writings (London: Bloomsbury, 2017), pp. 79-80)

With the same Saint, notwithstanding, we have to admit with confusion, how, in former times our souls were more like "dens of serpents and demons, utterly disgusting sewers of sin." (Ibid) Likewise, given the rather dramatic failure of the teaching of the catechism in our solar day, information technology is greatly to exist feared that the terrible land of sin described by the saintly bishop is what the souls of all too many Catholics and Christians of other denominations resemble fifty-fifty now. No wonder our country is coming apart at the seams! What is to be washed?

In a sure style the current crisis is a crisis of our leaders, both in the secular and, especially, in the religious sphere. We read in the prophet Hosea, And at that place shall be like people like priest (Hosea iv:ix). If the bishop or priest goes astray, and then will the flock. Pope Saint Gregory the Corking offers precious advice in this matter:

And this indeed the prophet Jeremiah, in the slap-up sorrow of his charity, deplores nether the image of the destruction of the temple, saying, How is the gold become dim! The nigh excellent color is changed; the stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of all the streets (Lamentations 4:1). For what is expressed by gold, which surpasses all other metals, but the excellency of holiness? What by the most excellent color simply the reverence that is well-nigh religion, to all men lovely? What are signified by the stones of the sanctuary but persons in sacred orders? What is figured under the name of streets but the latitude of this nowadays life? For, because in Greek speech communication the word for breadth is πλάτος, streets (plateæ) take been so called from their latitude, or latitude. But the Truth in person says, Broad and spacious is the way that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13). Aureate, therefore, becomes dim when a life of holiness is polluted by earthly doings; the most excellent colour is inverse, when the previous reputation of persons who were believed to be living religiously is diminished. For, when whatsoever one afterwards a habit of holiness mixes himself upwardly with earthly doings, it is as though his color were inverse, and the reverence that surrounded him grew stake and disregarded before the eyes of men. The stones of the sanctuary as well are poured out into the streets, when those who, for the ornamentation of the Church building, should have been costless to penetrate internal mysteries as it were in the secret places of the tabernacle seek out the broadways of secular causes outside. (Saint Gregory the Great, Pastoral Dominion, Book II, Chapter 7)

However, it is the simple true-blue also, who are responsible. Information technology is all of u.s.a. who can help a bishop, a priest, or even a monk, to remain focused on the essential thing, on the unum necessarium to which our Lord directed the overly agile Saint Martha in the Gospel, in contrast to her sister Mary, who had called the better part of contemplation at the Master'south feet (Cf. Luke 10:41-43). You lot, the uncomplicated faithful, together with the monks, must fill your own cup with the holiness that comes from the Holy Ghost, before sharing from that fullness with men and women dedicated to God, and so that we all remain true-blue and non let the gold get tarnished or restore its smooth where necessary, so that they will accept the courage to push dorsum courageously against the many evils that are polluting whole societies. It is thus that our Holy Catholic Church building will resemble once more, in its ministers and its true-blue, the dazzler of the Queen of which the Canticle of Canticles speaks. Here is 1 more quote from Saint Charles Borromeo, in which the piece of work of the Holy Spirit in the ministers of the Church is explained:

O how much those words of David employ to this vast Spouse and Church building of Christ: The queen stood on your right mitt, in golden article of clothing; surrounded with diverseness (Psalm 44:ten), and then filled with treasures, so endowed with the gifts, the graces and the most holy Sacraments of the Holy Spirit, embellished with such a groovy multitude of porters, lectors, exorcists, acolytes, subdeacons, deacons, priests, and bishops, with and so many outstanding dignities, so many illustrious offices and functions. …Great indeed is the ornate beauty of this queen, the beauty of this diversity of orders (Charles Borromeo, pp. 117-118).

May the Queen of Heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary, who stands at the correct paw of her Son, together with Saint Joseph and all the Holy Angels and Saints, teach us ever more, every day, to welcome the Holy Spirit of God, the same Spirit, who at the kickoff of the world, hovered over the waters equally the Divine, life-giving breath of creation. Veni, Sancte Spiritus. Amen. Alleluia.

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Source: https://clearcreekmonks.org/pentecost-2021/

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