When you initially install your OFT its first task is to read and salve the current melody program present in your ECU (in most cases this is your OEM tune file). This installation process needs to happen for for several reasons, but the 2 main reasons are listed below:

  • It keeps a fill-in of your original tune file then that you lot can wink back to it anytime you desire.
  • Information technology helps the Ofttimes to understand and store disquisitional protocols and security features for your specific ECU/vehicle.

The Oft volition employ one of ii methods your OFT will use to save your original melody data. Either:

  1. Actual ECU Read - where the ECU reads and saves the original melody program directly from your ECU/vehicle.
  2. Virtual ECU Read - where the ECU saves all the critical information related to your ECU and vehicle.

The method for uploading your tune files for each READ instance is slighty different the first time you UPLOAD. We volition outline the guidelines for each method below.

Understand which READ method your Oftentimes performed:

The steps to know which read method your OFT used is quite simple. After you've completed a READ in your vehicle:

  1. Successfully install OpenFlash Manager on your PC. ( download and install OpenFlash Manager )
  2. Ensure you have a practiced cyberspace/wifi connection.
  3. Launch the OpenFlash Manager software.
  4. Connect your Often to your PC using the supplied MiniUSB to USB cable.

At this time your OpenFlash Manager may employ several updates to your OFT, or itself. This can take several minutes; requite the procedure some time to complete.

  1. Navigate to the UPLOAD Information tab on the left.

Once the software has read the information from the Oftentimes either of the following will occur next.

  • Y'all may be immediately greeted by a message that says "Only ECU information have been read. The original file must be loaded manually." - This indicates an Virtual ECU Read took place.

  • You will never exist greeted by a message. After OpenFlash Manager reads the information from the Often, notice that the infinite next to "Original File" says "PRESENT" - This indicates an Actual ECU Readtook place.

Please proceed to the advisable department(s) below for the adjacent steps to upload your  tune files.

My OFT performed a Virtual ECU Read - (this ORIGINAL file upload process will only need to be done once)

Before your Often will allow you to upload any performance melody files, your ECU's original tune file will nee to be uploaded to the Oft. Use OpenFlash Manager to connect to and download your factory/original tune file from our servers. This is a rapid procedure, and merely requires you lot to select OK/YES a few times.

  1. After seeing the message that reads "says "Just ECU information have been read. The original file must exist loaded manually." -

    Select OK.

  2. You lot volition exist asked "Search original file into databank?" - Select Yes.

  3. OpenFlash Manager should observe and inquire you to relieve the original tune file somewhere on your PC.

  4. After saving your original tune file (to a known location on your PC), gyre down the Upload page, and click START.

Give the operation a few moments to complete. Y'all'll receive a message that says "Data has been written."

The procedure of uploading the original tune file to your Oftentimes volition just ever need to be completed One time! In the future, you'll just need to upload new melody files following the guide for "My Oftentimes performed and Actual ECU Read".

Now, please proceed to the next section of this guide (My OFT performed and Actual ECU Read) -> Start at step 4.

If your ORIGINAL tune file is was non located and downloaded from our database, you may get the following message:

If that happens:

  • Make sure you were using the UPLOAD DATA tab in OpenFlash Manager. If you had selected the DOWNLOAD DATA tab, please try again using the upload tab.
  • If you've tried using the upload tab, and received the message, delight email u.s.a. at tuning@openflashperformance.com for farther instructions.

My Oft performed an Actual ECU Read

Download the appropriate stage programme that matches your hardware configuration AND calibration code. Follow the instructions below to load the program onto your Openflash Tablet.

Annotation: You MUST a employ a native Windows-based PC for the following procedures = virtual machines, or other simulated Windows device/software is not compatible at this time.

  1. Ensure that your PC has an active internet connexion.
  2. Open up the OFM application.
  3. Connect your Openflash Tablet to your PC using the supplied USB-A to Mini USB cablevision.
    • On the initial launch, OFM may apply necessary tablet updates. This can take some minutes.
  4. After all updates are applied, navigate to UPLOAD DATA.
  5. Identify any empty Modernistic FILE slots, and select the folder icon to the right of the memory slot.
  6. Choose the tune file you've downloaded to load a program into the slot.
    • If there are no empty memory slots, you will need to delete whatever existing program(s) by selecting on the red 10 button to the right of the slot.
    • You can select proceed this procedure to fill any empty/remaining empty slots with new tune programs.
    • Loading the tunes to the Mod FILE slots can take some minutes.

      !! NOTICE !! Usually, the tune file upload process is quick. If your tune file is over 1.5MB (such as for BMW platforms), the software may appear to freeze/hang. Exercise non force close or quit the software using taks managing director! There software is automatically performing checksum corrections in several places of your tune file, and it volition accept some time. Please look, and allow the process to complete .

      Afterward, you will receive a message that states "The checksum has been corrected".

  7. One time all your desired files are loaded, printing START.

Later the programs have been written to the retentivity slots, you should receive this message:

Y'all can disconnect the tablet from your PC. +++===+++===+++ Please scout the example .gif beneath for more clarity.

To program your vehicles ECU

  1. Ensure that your battery is fully charged.
    •  As a precaution you should choose to connect your vehicle to a battery charger/booster.
  2. Connect your tablet to your vehicle, and let it boot up.
  3. Turn your ignition switch to the ON position without starting your engine.
  4. Select the TUNING carte du jour selection on your tablet, then select WRITE
  5. Choose the program file you'd like to flash, and and so follow the on-screen prompts.