Can a Family of 3 Live on 63k a Year

Сегодня мы потренируемся в использовании настоящего простого времени Nowadays Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях в английском языке.

В этом уроке viii упражнений на отработку Present Unproblematic (презент симпл) с ответами, и вы сразу сможете проверить правильность их выполнения. Как обычно, упражнения расположены в порядке нарастания сложности.

правила Present Simple в английском языке

Упражнение i. Заполните пропуски глаголами в Present Unproblematic (утвердительные предложения)

Упражнение 2. Напишите глаголы в Nowadays Unproblematic (вопросительные предложения)

Упражнение 3. Выберите и напишите don't или doesn't

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами в отрицательной форме Present Unproblematic

Упражнение 5. Перетащите глаголы в нужное предложение

Упражнение half-dozen. Заполните пропуски глаголами из рамочки в Present Simple

like                       not speak                         play                            melt                             love                              not become                      start                       do                           non stay                     work

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски глаголами is / are / do / does

Упражнение 8. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы


Упражнение ane.

  1. I piece of work in a depository financial institution.
  2. Harry lives in London.
  3. My cat eats fish every twenty-four hour period.
  4. Linda takes a shower every morning.
  5. Nosotros visit our parents in one case a week.
  6. I often meet my friends.
  7. They sometimes go to the cinema in the evening.
  8. The shops open up at x am.
  9. Brandon writes stories in his free time.
  10. It snows a lot in winter hither.

Упражнение ii.

  1. Practice you like playing football?
  2. Does he spotter Tv every twenty-four hours?
  3. Do they alive in a apartment?
  4. Does your brother swim well?
  5. Practise we have fruits in the fridge?
  6. Does she eat fish?
  7. Exercise you sleep a lot?
  8. Does he skip his English classes?
  9. Do they speak Spanish?
  10. Does your mum work in a school?

Упражнение 3.

  1. Carla doesn't ride a bicycle.
  2. We don't alive in a large city.
  3. They don't read news.
  4. I don't go to bed late.
  5. Dan doesn't enjoy winters.
  6. It doesn't rain here a lot.
  7. I don't wearable jeans at piece of work.
  8. Lily doesn't play the pianoforte.
  9. Jim and I don't rent a apartment.
  10. Sam doesn't have whatsoever pets.

Упражнение 4.

  1. I don't play computer games.
  2. Sue doesn't do shopping on the weekend.
  3. Nosotros don't get upward early on Sundays.
  4. Neil doesn't eat meat.
  5. They don't go to Alaska every year.
  6. You don't beverage coffee.
  7. Mila doesn't work very difficult.
  8. I don't know many people.
  9. Kyle doesn't have many friends.
  10. They don't speak Italian.

Упражнение five.

  1. Do you go to the theatre every month?
  2. Nosotros never swallow in restaurants.
  3. He often travels past jitney.
  4. Terry cleans his apartment twice a week.
  5. Julia wants to live near the bounding main.
  6. Vera buys new wearing apparel every calendar week.
  7. They usually ride a bicycle to school.
  8. I walk on the beach every morning.
  9. Matt has an expensive automobile, but he doesn't drive it very often.
  10. We use a calculator to make presentations.

Упражнение 6.

  1. Jerry is friendly, he likes meeting new people.
  2. Kate is shy, she doesn't talk much.
  3. We similar movies just we don't go to the cinema very oft.
  4. They live in America just they don't speak adept English language.
  5. My Italian lesson is in the evening, it starts at 8 pm.
  6. The cafes are closed but supermarkets still work.
  7. I accept a sweet tooth, I beloved chocolate.
  8. Tom is very active, he plays basketball every twenty-four hour period.
  9. We stay at abode most evenings.
  10. Susan is a chef, she cooks very well.

Упражнение 7.

  1. Are you from France?
  2. Is he a sportsman?
  3. Do they often become out at night?
  4. Does he swim in the pool a lot?
  5. Are they architects?
  6. Is Sandra an actress?
  7. What do you do on the weekend?
  8. Where is your passport?
  9. Why is he tardily for the meeting?
  10. When does the lesson terminate?
  11. Are Marta and John married?
  12. Why are y'all so happy?
  13. How long is the movie?
  14. What time does he usually wake upwards?

Упражнение eight.

  1. Are yous from France? Yes, I am.
  2. Is he a sportsman? No, he isn't.
  3. Practice they oft leave at dark? Yes, they do.
  4. Does he swim in the pool a lot? Aye, he does.
  5. Are they architects? Yes, they are.
  6. Is Sandra an extra? Yes, she is.
  7. What practise you do on the weekend? I play board games.
  8. Where is your passport? It's in my pocketbook.
  9. When does the lesson stop? At 6 pm.
  10. How long is the movie? three hours.

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Упражнения на глагол TO Exist в настоящем времени
  • Тест на TO Be в Present Uncomplicated
  • Тест на Present Simple (для начинающих)
  • Тест на Present Uncomplicated (для продолжающих)


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